Ai, Graphic designer and illustrator

I’m from Kyoto in Japan.
I love taking pictures while I’m hiking 🙂

Favourite Spent Goods product: Sourdough Beer Bread

Dihan, Founder and Managing Director

This is what happens when you combine the love of food, beer and sustainability.

Favourite Spent Goods product: Beer Pretzels!

Read more about what inspired me to start this business.

Seshi, Accounting

(a little how-to): Seshi = Say-She

A strong believer in eating dessert first, a wannabe grammar aficionado, and attempting to raise two warriors.

Personal mantra: just keep swimming

Favourite Spent Goods product: Runny egg on an open-faced English Muffin with a side of arugula. The warriors approve too. And they have…how shall I say this…discerning tastes.

Yukari, Operations

I was born and raised in Tokyo and came to Canada in April 2018. Through an experiential language learning program called On the Spot Language, I met the founder Dihan and even my husband Jake. He and I love spent goods products, especially beer bagels which are so moist and chewy. We enjoy them for lunch every weekend.

In the future, I want to be a social worker.

Super grateful to strategic partners

Our Input partners

Our Food Transformer partners

Friends of The Spent Goods Company