Barley doesn’t get the attention it deserves as one of the healthiest cereal grains.

By adding barley to your breakfast in the form of pancakes, waffles, bread or granola, you can ensure regular bowel movements, healthy heart and keep cholesterol, breast cancer, diabetes, gallstones, asthma, arthritis at bay.

We’ve found pancakes, waffles are a great way to get great tasting fiber into your kid’s diet! (And if that doesn’t work, you can always add it to the brownies)

Barley is considered one of the healthiest whole food grains (link includes references to studies):

  • Fiber from Whole Grains and Fruit Protective against Breast Cancer
  • Barley and Other Whole Grains Substantially Lower Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
  • Significant Cardiovascular Benefits for Postmenopausal Women
  • Prevent Heart Failure with a Whole Grains Breakfast
  • Barley Can Help Prevent Gallstones
  • Whole Grains and Fish Highly Protective against Childhood Asthma
  • Barley’s Copper Can Benefit Arthritis Sufferers
  • Barley’s Fiber for Regularity, Lower Cholesterol, & Intestinal Protection
  • Additional Protection Against Atherosclerosis

Barley and Cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular disease risk can be modified through a healthy diet that includes high-fibre foods such as barley:

• Regular consumption of barley reduces serum total and LDL cholesterol
• Health Canada and the United States Food and Drug Administration have permitted the use of blood cholesterol-lowering and cardiovascular health claims for barley
• Barley is a low-glycemic-index food that may provide cardioprotective benefits

Health benefits of Barley
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